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Difference between Web job and Azure Function

Difference Between Web job and Azure Function:

Web Job Azure Function
Write the code in console and deploy through visual studio. Write code directly in portal, easily to deploy and test.
It supports Continuous Process as well as triggerd process invoke. Doesn't support Continuous Process.
Manual scaling. Dynamic scaling.
Run inside apps service plans. Runs inside dynamic app service plan.
Easier to develop and test. Comparatively easier to develop, test and deploy.
Need to scale up the whole app service in order to scale. Can scale up dynamically depends upon the request.
Azure webjob need to be managed on the PASS offering called WebApps. Serverless so we don't need to manage any resources its fully managed by azure dynamically.
Tools like Visual Studio can be used to develop and debug. There is only online Editor where you can work and deploy direcly.
Ready to be triggerd or in Continuous monitoring so turn around time is less. Takes initial time to warm up since they are not always instantiated.
scale with App Service plan Configurationless scaling
VM is always required. Server less computing and VM is not mandatory.
Can run locally, Deploy it easily to cloud. Limited local compilation and not in matured state.
Trigger events: Azure Storage, Azure Service Bus Trigger events: timer, Azure DocumentDB, Azure Event Hubs, HTTP/WebHook (GitHub, Slack), Azure App Service Mobile Apps, Azure Notification Hubs, Azure Service Bus, Azure Storage







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About Author

Brijesh Kumar

Database Developer

I have more then 6 years Experience in Microsoft Technologies - SQL Server Database, ETL Azure Cloud - Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, PowerBI, Web Job, Azure Function, Azure Storage, Web Apps, Powershall and Database Migration On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
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